Although anti-smoking pills are the most popular among those who quit a bad habit, today in the pharmacological market of the country there are many other forms of drugs that help to quit smoking permanently. Which technique is most effective for the patient, the doctor decides on the basis of a thorough clinical and laboratory examination and the individual characteristics of the person. It is important to understand that all medicines work in different ways. Tablets are the most numerous and effective group of anti-smoking drugs.

Multi-vector harm of smoking
The risk of nicotine extends not only to heavy smokers, but also to the people around them. It is about second hand tobacco. Relatives and friends are forced to endure tobacco smoke, being near a smoker. This is the risk of oncology, infertility, obstructive pulmonary diseases, pathological changes in the heart and blood vessels, kidneys.
Scientifically proven fact: children who like to raise have a significant developmental delay, low intelligence, limited horizons. This is a consequence of oxygen starvation. The blood does not get the necessary amount of oxygen, which leads to the development of hypoxia. Brain neurons in such conditions are, as it were, under pressure, unable to fully perform their functions.
The heart, pumping blood saturated with carbon dioxide, experiences excessive stress through hypotonic vessels. Against the background of atherosclerosis as a result of metabolic disorders and changes in blood viscosity, this becomes the cause of heart attacks and strokes.
Moreover, this situation applies equally to smokers as well as to those who have never taken a cigarette in their mouth.
Fans of tobacco smoke are at risk for vascular diseases of the lower extremities: intermittent claudication, varicose veins, extinct endarteritis, diabetic foot, polyneuropathy.
But the nervous system still suffers the most. Toxic damage to nerve cells, receptors, fibers leads to uncontrollable headaches, mood swings, unreasonable irritability, memory loss, loss of ability to concentrate, concentrate. Peripheral nerves provoke the development of neuritis, among which the most famous is sciatica. Once born, it does not leave the patient for the rest of his life.
The lungs are the first to encounter the toxins of tobacco smoke. Moreover, the attack on the structure of the bronchi and the parenchyma of the organ comes from two sides: through the blood and locally, with direct irritation of the mucosa. Has tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD. This causes persistent respiratory failure, emphysema, asthma, cancer.
The digestive system also comes into direct contact with the metabolites of nicotine and cigarette tar. They cause erosive and ulcerative processes, hepatitis, gallstone disease and cirrhosis. The nocturnal alkaloid takes the kidneys hostage. They are the ones who metabolize the poison, while the destructive processes take place in the organ itself, nephron sclerosis develops, chronic kidney failure.
Libido in men and women, reproductive function, erectile suffers.
Appearance - removes others: gray, dry, cracked skin, brittle nails, sparse hair, yellow teeth and disgusting breath. Calcium washes out of the bones, provoking osteoporosis and pathological fractures.
Such a multifaceted effect of nicotine a priori requires a multifaceted approach to the restoration of the body after quitting smoking, assumes multi-vector assistance in sharing with tobacco. For this, pharmacologists offer pills for smoking and other forms of multidisciplinary action.
How do nicotine paraprils work?
It must be said that recently, the traditional forms of drugs have changed, adapting to the habits of the people. Today we see a lot of pre-tablets in the pharmacy.
It's worth to mention:
- Lollipops- representatives of replacement therapy. They contain a minimal dose of nicotine, which, when ingested, alleviates withdrawal symptoms caused by the cessation of smoking flow in the blood and brain. That is, it helps you not to feel unhappy at the moment of quitting smoking. An indisputable advantage is the inclusion of plant extracts in the composition of the product and the fact that they can be prepared independently, at home. Patients with diabetes should be treated with caution. Consult a doctor to adjust the dose of sugar-lowering drugs.
- Chewable tablets- regardless of country of origin, they have the same anti-nicotine effect: they replace nicotine deficiency. They contain 2-4 mg of a medicinal substance and act similarly to tablets. The main advantage and difference is that the alkaloid gradually enters the blood and brain as the product is chewed. Usually within half an hour, no less.
- spray- This is the same liquid anti-smoking drug. It is a quick help tool when you want to drag a cigarette. Reaches blood flow and neurons in just one minute.
- Patch- a representative of the transdermal direction in reducing cravings for pyridine poison. Maximum comfort to quit smoking. It enters the body through the skin, begins to act immediately, practically does not bind to albumin. Metabolized and excreted by the kidneys. Therefore, it should be used with caution in patients with organ failure.
Today pharmacologists offer anti-smoking injections. Basically a cigarette vaccine. This is innovation. The principle of operation is to break the vicious circle. Once in the blood, the components of the solution trigger an immune response of the body. Antibodies produced by the defense system bind the alkaloid pyridine, forming a very large antigen-antibody complex. It is unable to cross the blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain from any harmful substances.
The center of happiness remains intact. It turns out that the person smokes, but has no pleasure. The chain of addiction breaks and the patient quits smoking.
However, against the background of all the innovations, medicines in tablet form remain the most in demand.
Groups of drugs for smoking
Modern pharmacology divides all drugs from tobacco addiction into several main groups:
- The first includes substances that contain chemical compounds that affect the body, such as a pyridine alkaloid. They activate cholinergic receptors like nicotine, mimicking its presence. As a result, a person experiences the same feelings as with a smoked cigarette. But tobacco toxins do not enter the bloodstream and neurons, the mucosa of the respiratory tract does not burn. However, the patient still needs nocturnal venom.
- The second directly affects the brain centers responsible for the desire to smoke. These are antidepressants.
- Third - most interestingly, it blocks the mechanism of action of nicotine, killing the desire to drag a cigarette, as this process gives you no pleasure.
Anti-smoking drugs
These are sets of all the most widely used smoking pill formulations today, with a mechanism of action and contraindications for use - a reliable assistant for all those who decide to put an end to a bad habit. It is necessary because tobacco lovers need to understand: addiction rests on two pillars - the physical and mental craving for nicotine.
So, some of these medicines help to say goodbye to physiological addiction, others - psychological.
Wrong choice can end in complete failure. Experienced smokers are advised to pay attention to the first group of drugs, beginners - the third.
Nicotine analogues
The composition of these funds contains alkaloids in contact with cholinergic receptors.
The mechanism of action is the replacement of tobacco poison, an attempt to take over its functions. These drugs activate the same biochemical processes, sensations, but without negative consequences.
There is another nuance. Nerve endings are extremely sensitive. Any overdose causes many negative symptoms. Therefore, if their intake is accompanied by the use of cigarettes, tachycardia, nausea, shortness of breath, dizziness, sweating, fainting appear.
This "impresses" the body so much that the idea of the risk of recurrence is clearly fixed in the subcortex.
All drugs of this group have common contraindications:
- Caring for a baby and breastfeeding.
- PUD and duodenal ulcers, erosive processes in the intestine, pancreatitis.
- Atherosclerotic changes in vessels and associated ischemia of the myocardium, brain, hypertension, encephalopathy, heart failure.
- Disorders of the blood coagulation system.
- Obstructive diseases of the bronchopulmonary system.
Products containing nicotine
Tablets containing minimal doses of nicotine help patients gradually quit smoking permanently, reduce the dose of tobacco they use, or survive a temporary forced cessation of it. This is the same replacement therapy, but not with nocturnal venom simulants, but itself.
The therapeutic effect is due to the intake of a pyridine alkaloid in the body without harmful impurities and in small volumes. The dose is gradually reduced. To the point where quitting smoking is easy and natural.
Contraindications to the use of drugs in this group are somewhat different:
- Intolerance to night alkaloid ingredients on an individual basis.
- Up to 18 years old.
- Pregnancy and lactation period.
- Schizophrenia.
- Failure of the kidneys, liver, heart muscle, peptic ulcer.
Solanaceous alkaloid blockers
The essence of their action is to prevent the penetration of nicotine into cholinergic receptors. The very meaning of smoking is lost in the absence of pleasure for it.
Herbal medicines are included in this group. They contain calamus and mint, which, with their sharp sense of taste, cause aversion to bad habit, suppress the desire to smoke.
Products without alkaloids
They are parallel in mechanism of action to the previous group, but do not block the contact of cholinergic receptors with nicotine, but interact directly with the brain centers responsible for pleasure, suppressing them. Smoking becomes a burden.
What is the reason for the different effect of drugs in this group in patients is not entirely clear. It is believed that the whole issue is in the technical synthesis of varenicline from various manufacturers.
Side effects are quite common: headache, vomiting, cramps in the epigastrium, increased blood pressure, insomnia at night and drowsiness, apathy during the day. Rinorrhea, sore throat, shortness of breath, leading to respiratory failure and pulmonary edema are common.
These pills, unlike all other drugs, increase the activity of brain centers, stimulating the production of happiness hormones and thus interrupt the effect of nicotine.
Anxiety medications help the smoker get out of the stressful situation of quitting nicotine.
Medications of this group are contraindicated for expectant and lactating mothers and for individual intolerance.
Today it is generally accepted that homeopathic remedies act as a placebo. However, there are three new generations of effective drugs that can reliably and safely facilitate smoking cessation.
The mechanism of action of these pills is to detoxify the body and remove the psychological connection with tobacco.
There are some restrictions on use: intolerance to the components of the funds individually and the allergic mood of the body. Diabetics should take them carefully, as glucose is one of the ingredients. The regimen and dosage are determined by the doctor, without whose consultation treatment is impossible.
Each person can independently assess the degree of harm and usefulness of tobacco pills according to the main parameters, but he does not give a clear answer to the question of which drug is best. This is due to the fact that currently there is no optimal anti-smoking drug that would meet all the requirements. Advertising is the engine of progress. But the truth is more beloved.